Sunday, 31 May 2015

Lucía's Restaurant

Pupils in year 4 were studying about how to order food in a Restaurant. We started talking and learning about the different meals of the day and about what our meals are. Then, we moved onto how to order food in a Bar, Coffee Bar or Restaurant and, in order to make it possible, we needed to design some Menus.  

We opened up our notebooks and chose the name of the Bar, Restaurant or Coffe Bar first. Then, we decided about the meals we were going to offer. And, once we had in mind our bussiness, we only had to add the food and drinks. 

Here we have some Menus that Lucía, Paula and Daniela have designed. Thank you for your hardwork!!!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Every Day is Peace Day

Every 30th January we celebrate Peace Day at school but we know that 'Every Day is Peace Day' and that good manners, sharing, love, a smile, playing fair ... are happy ways of making Peace possible.

Students in year 1 and 2 of Primary wrote about what Peace is. This activity is an idea based on 'The Peace Book' written by Todd Parr.

Peace is ...

Peace is playing with dolls and teddys.
Peace is playing cars and cowboys.
Peace is playing football.
Peace is sharing.
Peace is love.
Peace is helping others.
Peace is kissing.
Peace is hugging. 
Peace is a happy girl or boy.
Peace is looking at the stars.
Peace is a high five.
Peace is painting.
Peace is sailing and rollerblading.
Peace is recycling.
Peace is a friend.
Peace is gardening.
Peace is a rainbow.
Peace is silence.
Peace is a present. 

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

What a Wonderful World

Thank you to Playing for Change for bringing this fantastic song into our classroom. Students in year 3 and 4 have sung and danced this beautiful song to celebrate Peace Day at school.
They have learned a lot as students of English as a second language. This song has also inspired us to write about our wonderful world and below is the result of our work.

We just love it!!!!

We see friends playing cars.
We see friends playing football.
We see friends shaking hands.
We see people hugging and kissing.
We see the rainbow and we see love.
We see our families and we see home.
We see happy boys and girls.
We see books and we see lions and elephants reading.
We see our school. 
We see yellow, green, blue and red flowers. We see plants.
We see planes and helicopters.
We see continents. We see happy people.
We see red trees. We see a yellow sky.
We see stars.

We see the world in PEACE!!!!


Winter is here! Let's learn to make paper snowflakes.

Monday, 1 December 2014


This year we are going to sing and learn these Christmas songs!!!!!!!!





Thursday, 5 June 2014

World Environment Day

World Environment Day Graphic For Facebook Sharing

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme.

Click on the picture